Top quality & freshness

VersePeen is a joint venture between two carrot growers in North Limburg. Groentebedrijf Baetsen B.V. and In ‘t Zandt Agro B.V. have been working closely together since 1991 with the aim of optimising product quality, freshness and yield. The joint venture grew out of Grupegrow, a study group in which the members exchange experience and obtain advice on many different subjects from external experts.

Exchanging knowledge and experience

Exchanging experience and knowledge benefits every grower in the joint venture. This in turn has a positive impact on the quality and freshness of all VersePeen produce. But each grower retains their own identity.

Fossa Eugenia

The VersePeen growers are all members of Fossa Eugenia, a growers’ association whose aim is to supply premium quality produce that meets the demands of critical consumers via the shortest possible chain. A winning formula for customers and growers alike.
